Boda Boda Rider Arrested After Ferrying 2 Officers to Home in Narok Where They Died

In a hurry? Here’s a quick summary…

  • Two prison warders were tragically killed in Narok County after seeking assistance from a boda boda rider to reclaim a loan from a retired colleague, leading to a violent confrontation orchestrated by the ex-warden’s sons.
  • The families of the deceased officers are urging the authorities to swiftly apprehend the perpetrator, while autopsies are scheduled, and suspects await court hearings, highlighting the escalating risks faced by law enforcement officers in the line of duty.
Kenya Police Car

In a tragic turn of events, a boda boda rider was apprehended in Olemismis Village, Narok County, on Saturday following the deaths of two prison warders under his transport.

Reports indicate that the two prison officers had sought the assistance of the boda boda rider to locate a former prison warden to whom they had extended a loan. 

The boda operator, upon receiving their request, facilitated their journey to the ex-warden’s residence after contacting the family to confirm any planned visits.

Shockingly, the boda operator alleged that the retired prison warden had instructed his sons to arm themselves and confront the officers, whom he disavowed any connection with. 

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According to the suspect, he believed the two officers were criminals from the city, intent on tracking him down.

Tragically, this led to a violent altercation initiated by the warden’s sons, resulting in severe injuries to the officers that ultimately led to their demise on that ill-fated day. It has been revealed that the officers had lent the money to their former colleague to expedite the processing of his pension, a debt which he had failed to repay.

In the wake of this incident, the families of the deceased officers are demanding swift action from the authorities to apprehend the perpetrator who remains at large. 

Meanwhile, preparations are underway for autopsies on the bodies of the fallen officers scheduled for Monday, while suspects in custody await their court hearings.

The boda boda operator is expected to assist law enforcement in their investigations, noting that the officers had visited the ex-warden’s home on two previous occasions before the tragic events unfolded.

This grim occurrence adds to a series of recent violent incidents targeting law enforcement officers. 

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Earlier in the week, a police officer was fatally attacked by residents during a crackdown on illegal alcohol, while another officer was gunned down while on duty in Elgeyo Marakwet. 

These incidents underscore the growing dangers faced by those in uniform while serving their communities.

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