Youths Steal Motorbikes and Vandalise Police Station in Tiaty, Baringo

In a hurry? Here’s a quick summary…

  • Tiaty East Constituency police resorted to firing shots to disperse a group of over 300 rowdy youths who vandalized Tangulbei Police Station, demanding justice for a local resident’s death after being attacked post-release.
  • The youths damaged property including a police vehicle, office furniture, and stole motorcycles, prompting investigations by Sub-County Criminal Investigation Officers to ensure accountability, highlighting a concerning trend of assaults on law enforcement officers.
Tiaty Police Station
A police station raided and vandalised by youths in the Tiaty area in Baringo on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. PHOTO TANGULBEI POLICE STATION

On Wednesday, March 27, the Tiaty East Constituency police found themselves compelled to resort to firing shots as a means to disband a group of unruly youths who launched a violent raid on and vandalized their police station. 

Over 300 youths converged at Tangulbei Police Station around 4:00 pm, in protest, seeking justice for the death of a local resident.

As per a police report obtained by, the youths were demanding explanations following the death of a 24-year-old local who was reportedly attacked and lynched by assailants shortly after his release from the police station. 

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The deceased had been arrested for assaulting a police officer and was granted bail of Ksh30,000 by the Court on that particular day.

Tragically, upon his release, the young man opted to trek from Kabarnet to his home in Tangulbei, only to fall victim to thugs who assaulted and set him on fire in the Loberer area. 

The news of his demise incited locals to storm the police station, allegedly holding officers accountable for his death.

During the protest, the agitated youths not only vandalized a police vehicle’s windscreen, doors, and headlights but also wreaked havoc on office furniture, windows, and roof sheets. 

Additionally, they seized seven motorcycles, including four belonging to police officers, further escalating tensions.

Despite no reported injuries among the protesters, one police officer sustained injuries, with a stone striking his face, resulting in the loss of one front tooth. 

He was promptly rushed to Tangulbei Sub-County Hospital for treatment. Sub-County Criminal Investigation Officers (SCCIO) from Tiaty East have initiated investigations to ensure justice prevails and the perpetrators are apprehended.

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This incident adds to a series of assaults on police officers, exemplified by a case in February where two female officers were assaulted, and a firearm was stolen while on patrol in the Kiwanjani area of Kasarani. 

One of the officers resorted to firing at the assailants as they fled the scene.

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