Gov’t Promises to Address Abductions and Arbitrary Arrests During Protests

In a hurry? Here’s a quick summary…

  • The government commits to prosecuting security personnel involved in unlawful detentions during protests.
  • Interior CS Kindiki promises accountability for excessive force and violations by both police and protesters.
Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki.

The government has pledged to take action against any security personnel involved in abductions and arbitrary arrests during the anti-Finance Bill 2024 and anti-government protests. 

Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof Kithure Kindiki, in a statement on Tuesday, reiterated that those found culpable of unlawful detentions and disappearances would face the full force of the law.

While Kindiki did not specify any cases, he acknowledged that the government was aware of certain claims, prompting investigative agencies to launch a probe into the matter. 

“The Government has noted with concern claims of abductions and enforced disappearances allegedly perpetrated by security personnel,” Kindiki said. 

He emphasized that independent constitutional and statutory agencies would investigate and prosecute any individuals or officials implicated in violating the Constitution through unlawful confinement.

Kindiki stressed that security agencies must adhere to the rule of law when making arrests and detentions to ensure the rights of Kenyan citizens are not infringed. 

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“All persons within the territory of Kenya are protected from unlawful or arbitrary arrests, abductions, enforced disappearances, or any other illegal method of confining suspected criminals for purposes of investigations for prosecution or for whatever purpose whatsoever,” he stated. 

He affirmed the government’s duty to respect and protect all constitutionally guaranteed rights, condemning any violations by security personnel or others.

Regarding the use of excessive force by police officers during the protests, which led to loss of lives and injuries, Prof. Kindiki assured that appropriate action would be taken against any security officers who acted outside the law. 

He also mentioned that a probe was underway to identify and apprehend those who violated the law, particularly criminals who infiltrated peaceful protests to cause mayhem and destroy property.

“As the conversation on taxation and other priority national issues commence, the process of accountability for serious crimes that resulted in loss of life, destruction of property, and breach of the peace is simultaneously underway,” Kindiki said. 

He warned that organizers, planners, and financiers of crimes committed under the guise of peaceful demonstrations would be prosecuted once investigations were complete. 

Similarly, any infractions or excesses by law enforcement officers would be investigated, and appropriate action taken against those found culpable.

Last week, Kindiki vowed to prevent any planned crime or destruction stemming from the ongoing anti-government protests across the country. 

He stated that criminals posing as protesters had infiltrated peaceful demonstrations to loot, destroy property, and cause public unrest. 

Issuing a stern warning to perpetrators, Kindiki claimed the protests were politically motivated and assured that the government would address the issue.

In a recent interview on Citizen TV’s The Explainer Show, Kindiki dismissed claims of abductions and defended the actions of some police officers who donned civilian outfits, despite their alleged links to abductions and killings.

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