United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Specifically, the consultant will be required to complete the following tasks: Inception phase:
- Preliminary desk review and introductory interviews with project staff.
- Prepare the review framework in line with UNEP’s evaluation guidelines.
- Identify stakeholders.
- Develop the interview/questions matrix.
- Plan the review schedule.
Prepare the Inception Report. Data collection and analysis phase of the review, including:
- Conduct further desk review and in-depth interviews with project implementing and executing agencies, project partners and project stakeholders.
- Regularly report back to the Task Manager on progress and inform of any possible problems or issues encountered. Reporting phase, including:
- Draft the Review Report, ensuring that the review report is complete, coherent and consistent with the Task Manager guidelines both in substance and style.
- Liaise with the Task Manager on comments received and finalize the Review Report, ensuring that comments are considered until approved by the Task Manager.
- Prepare a Response to Comments annex for the main report, listing those comments not accepted indicating the reason for the rejection. Managing relations, including:
- Maintain a positive relationship with stakeholders, ensuring that the review process is as participatory as possible but at the same time maintains its independence.
- Communicate in a timely manner with the Task Manager on any issues requiring its attention and intervention. The consultant will prepare the following documents, in consultation and collaboration with the Project team:
- Inception Report: containing an assessment of project, project stakeholder analysis, review framework and a tentative review schedule.
- Preliminary Findings Note: typically, in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, the sharing of preliminary findings is intended to support the participation of the project team, act to ensure all information sources have been accessed and provide an opportunity to verify emerging findings.
- Draft and Final Review Report: containing an executive summary that can act as a stand- alone document; detailed analysis of the review findings organized by review criteria and supported with evidence; lessons learned and recommendations and an annotated ratings table.
Qualifications/special skills
An advanced university degree in environmental sciences, international development or other relevant political or social sciences area is required. A University degree in the same areas is acceptable with two additional years of relevant experience. A minimum of 7 years of technical / evaluation experience, including of evaluating large, global programmes, including overseeing project teams, managing complex budgets, interacting with oversight personnel or committees, and demonstrating adaptive management when necessary is required. Hands-on experience in managing national and international natural resources projects concerning biodiversity, natural resources management, protected area management, environmental information management, capacity building etc. is highly desirable. Working experience in an international environment is desirable. Experience in the project target area in North Macedonia is an asset
To apply for this job please visit careers.un.org.